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Input File of PAREST


When starting PAREST specific data of the problem (dimensions, time grids, initial estimates, tolerances of optimization and numerical integration, selection between different integration and optimization methods, ...) are read from an input file (in the prepared example problems the input file is called start.dat).

Comments in the file start.dat always have to start with a # sign. If a # sign is found in a line of the input file, then the rest of the line will be ignored by PAREST.

The input file consists of several sections listed here. They consist of


dimensions, selection of integration and optimization methods, tolerances, ...



names of the state and control variables (only to be used in the graphical output produced by PGRAPH)



measurement values (only in the case of parameter estimation problems)



optional lower and upper bounds for the state and control variables y(t), v(t), u(t), and for the nonlinear inequality constraints S



constants defining linear transformations for an (optional) internal scaling of the state and control variables y(t), v(t), u(t) and of the objective  tex2html_wrap_inline1197



the (estimated) values of initial and final time and (estimated) values of the state variables at the normalized multiple shooting grid (i.e. the normalized values of the multiple shooting nodes are within the interval [0,1], where 0 corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline1301 and 1 corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline1267 )



estimated values of the control variables at the normalized control grid points (i.e. the normalized values of the control discretization grid points are within [0,1], where 0 corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline1301 and 1 corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline1267 )


The sections are described in more detail in the sequel. Each section contains statements of the syntactic form name of variable (or dimension) = value For example: DIMY = 3

For more details see the programs of the prepared examples.

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Oskar von Stryk
Tue Feb 1 13:50:42 CET 2000