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This section is used only in the case of a parameter identification problem in order to provide the program with the measurement values tex2html_wrap_inline1235 appearing in Equation (5). For each measurement value tex2html_wrap_inline1235 , also a positive, real-valued weight tex2html_wrap_inline1253 can optionally be supplied.

The measurement values have to be listed in the chronological order of the measurement times in this section of the input file.

Measurement values at time t of measurement have to be provided by

T = time t of the measurement
[Y(i) = measured value of tex2html_wrap_inline1595 [SY(i) = corresponding positive weight]]
[V(i) = measured value of tex2html_wrap_inline1601 [SV(i) = corresponding positive weight]]
[H(i) = measured value of tex2html_wrap_inline1607 [SH(i) = corresponding positive weight]]

The terms in brackets ``[ tex2html_wrap_inline1611 ]'' may be supplied optionally but don't have to be supplied always.

In many applications, the weights tex2html_wrap_inline1253 are related to the standard deviations of the measurements and are equal to one constant value for the i-th variable at any times. In this case a standard weight can be set to the i-th variable by writing in this section before listing the measurement values

[SY(i) = value of the standard weight of the measured i-th differential state variable tex2html_wrap_inline1623 ]
[SV(i) = value of the standard weight of the measured i-th algebraic state variable tex2html_wrap_inline1629 ]
[SH(i) = value of the standard weight of the measured i-th function tex2html_wrap_inline1635 ]

T = tex2html_wrap_inline1637
(values of the first measurement).

Oskar von Stryk
Tue Feb 1 13:50:42 CET 2000