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Three time grids may appear (which do not depend on each other):
- The measurement grid
- of a parameter identification problem
consists of the times
of the measurements.
- The control grid
- of a discretized optimal control problem
consists of the times
where a piecewise linear approximation
of the control variable u(t)
is given by the values .
Also, any inequality constraint
of an optimal control problem
will only be satisfied
at the times of the control discretization grid.
- The multiple shooting grid
- is an optional grid consisting
of the multiple shooting nodes .
Its purpose is to split up the whole integration
interval into a
sequence of smaller ones ,
Please note that the multiple shooting grid
and (if ) also the control discretization grid
(in optimal control problems) always
must contain at least two grid points,
namely initial time and final time .
Oskar von Stryk
Tue Feb 1 13:50:42 CET 2000